An overseas business which does not have a presence in the UK may send a representative to establish a branch or subsidiary.
The overseas business must be active and trading, with its headquarters and principle place of business remaining outside the UK.
A full description of the business’s activities, including details of assets and accounts must be provided, as well as confirmation that the business will set up a wholly subsidiary or register a branch in the UK that conducts the same type of business as it does overseas.
The representative must have been recruited and taken on as an employee outside the UK, intend to work full-time as the representative of the overseas business and must not intend to undertake work for any other business or engage in business of their own.
The representative can be a senior employee with the skills, experience and knowledge of the business necessary to undertake the role. They must also have full authority to negotiate and take operational decisions on behalf of the overseas business.
The representative can not have majority shares in the business they represent.
your job description, employment contract and salary details must be confirmed, as well as confirmation from your business that you have the power to take operational decisions and are familiar with the business.
The visa is granted for an initial period of 3 years. You may be able to extend your visa for another 2 years leading to settlement after having spent 5 years in the UK.