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  • Writer's pictureLucien Legal

Marrying in the UK

Arriving as a fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner with the intention to marry or enter into a civil partnership in the UK.

You will get permission to stay for 6 months. After this you will need to apply to extend your stay within 6 months of arriving.

Evidence that you plan to marry or become civil partners within 6 months of arriving in the UK must be provided. Once married you may then switch into a Spouse Visa from in country under the 5 year route.

You and your partner both need to be 18 or over. Your partner must also either be British or settled in the UK (they have indefinite leave to remain, settled status or proof of permanent residence).

You must meet the English Language requirement as well as the Financial requirement.

There is no Immigration Health Surcharge to pay at this stage, however, you will need to pay this surcharge when switching into a Spouse Visa.

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